Saturday 27 July 2013

From The Eyes Of a Horse

This post is about understanding things from a horses point of view.

Horses eyes are very active during the day, dusk, dawn and at night. Horse's eye's are designed to provide higher sensitivity vision in dim light  and even better vision in higher light levels.

A Horse has a much lower sense of colour than us humans. While a horse can make out green and blue, it's vision is mostly in grey.

The horse has two blind spot's:
1. Directly in front of it's nose four feet in front of it
2. Behind the tail

Jumping a horse is a huge matter of trust because when jumping a horse and you get close to approaching the jump, the horse looses vision and has to rely on the rider to safely guide them over it.

Horse's are also not able to focus their eyes the way humans and most animals can. When a horse is looking at an object in front of it, it will usually bob the head away then into the object as it's trying to focus on what it's seeing.

A horse will usually spook when something moves quickly in it's vision but it hasn't had time to focus on the thing and determine it a threat.

I have this funny story that happened to me last year.

I was outside playing spotlight with a bunch of my friends and we were doing it in the pitch black and in my horse's paddock. We all got told to hide so I went and hid. It had been about 5 minutes and absolute quietness, then a heard a crunch of leaves. I thought It was the spotlighter but I saw no torch flash. I waited quietly for about another minute when out of nowhere something tickled against my neck. Long story short, I screamed! I thought it was a spider, but when I looked up into the glowing eyes of my horse. I knew it was the whiskers on her muzzle. My horse looked at me like I was a freak and then walked off into the darkness and began to graze.

See how amazing a horses vision is???
She found me in the pitch black and could still see well enough to go and have a midnight snack!

I have also heard stories of horse's jumping huge obstacles in the dark.
And it's all thanks to God's great gift of night vision.

Because if you think about it, in the wild, predators would be hunting at night and if the horses couldn't see, how would they know where to run?

Another thing that helps the horse is there great sensing skills, but I will leave that post for a few days.

I hope you guys enjoyed this post :)
Till next time!

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