Sunday 12 May 2013

Pushy Friend : Pushy Horse : Part 2

As I said in Part 1 I have a friend who's behaviour follows the lines of a 'pushy' horse's behaviour. She says one thing, expects another. She doesn't leave off something once its in her mind.
Anyway, last Sunday, I went ahead in my herd management-like plan. The first thing I wanted to establish was physical touch
I have always hated other people touching me. My grandparents would give me a hug, and I would stand there, stiff as a board. Now, I'm older, I don't mind so much, and I hug them back. Sometimes my friends hug me to, which I don't mind. 
This friend has always been a 'hugy' person. Before they started attending our church, I could handle her hugs (yes, as in more than one hug, we would get one every 10 minutes or so) 3 or 4 times a year. 
Now though, it's every week. I tried asking her to stop hugging me, but she laughed and gave me a hug.


After that my method was just to put up with them. On Sunday when she tried to hug me, I grabbed her arms, and told her I didn't like the hugs, and to please stop. She just looked confused, and tried again. I ducked out, and made for my mum to hang around, knowing if she tried to hug me mum would tell her to stop.
Later I was talking to her much older sister, when she tried again. Her sister told her to stop, because its annoying. I was quick to agree. After that she seemed even more confused. After that she just went off and did something else. 


However, upon leaving, when I said goodbye, she almost ignored me... Ouch! We didn't go to church this Sunday for other reasons, so I hope she's had time to think about what I said. I had concluded after last Sunday, she simply never took what other said seriously or thought about it. Hopefully next Sunday she'll just say hi, and leave the hug out. 
Good Horse! Lesson lernt! ;)

HorseFrenzy: I just want to say I totally get where WildHorse is coming from. Personally myself i'm not a huggy huggy person and I hate it when a stranger hugs me!

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