Saturday 22 June 2013

Helmet Awareness Day

Rider4Helmets is an awesome organisation. Their goal seems simple - they just want horse riders to wear helmets. Whether you do dressage, barrel racing, show jumping, polo, pleasure, endurance or roping, they want you to be safe, and to ride with a helmet on. Their website concentrates on the importance of wearing a helmet.

'Strap one on - Everyones doing it!' 

I can't remember exactly how I came across Riders4Helmets. It was in 2012, and they had been going strong since 2010. I read some of the stories, that horrified me. People who had TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), from one decision not to bother with a helmet on that one day.  For me, a helmet has always been part of riding.

A helmet could save your life. 

This year, Helmet Awareness Day was June 22nd. I got a list of supporting helmet brands from the Riders4Helmets website:

These brands will be having special discounts for the day! 
Also, there's some world famous riders fully supporting this day: 

Please remember to wear a helmet, even if its annoying. Also, if its over 5 years old it probably should be replaced. If you have a heavy fall on your head, your helmet my be damaged on the inside. 

Ride safe yall!

Riders4Helmets links: 

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