Friday 3 January 2014

The Phantom Pregnancy

I am actually so disappointed! Turns out all this time my mare Spec's was having a phantom pregnancy. When they have that they have the same symptoms as a pregnant mare, but minus the foal! So all these months Spec's has been sitting around in her paddock getting fat.

So on the next fine day I am going to get her back into work!

But good news is, if I do well at school this year and get good grades and manage to keep Spec's in work, my mum says we can look at getting a younger horse at the end of the year. Eeee!
Of course I would never give up Specs! I would get the younger horse but still have Spec's to ride. I can alternate!

All well, God must have a different idea for me seeing as Specere isn't pregnant..

I have been laughing because little does the fat horse know that I'm going to be working her hard to get back in shape.



  1. Oh no!!! :o
    Thats so sad!! But exciting you might get a younger horse.
    Poor Specs, its sounds like she has no idea what her months of sitting around have got her into ;)


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