Saturday 19 October 2013

3 Years of Horse Crazy

Yesterday I had known HorseFrenzy for 3 years! Wow. 3 years since that kind-of-awkward conversation that started an incredibly horse crazy friendship. (Ok, who am I kidding? It was full out awkward) 

It started at the Home and Country Show, when one of the girls I knew came running up and announced that a girls horse had fallen over in the float. While everyone else was like 'thats not good' before moving on, I was interested. Not only was I very horse crazy, I wanted friends who shared my interests. 

I had started homeschooling at the start of the year, and the homeschool community had failed me miserably in the department of horse crazy people. It had been a big change for me, coming from a small country school where there was only other girl in my year was horse crazy as well. 

You have to understand how shy I was back then. Like I hid behind my fringe and a book in public all the time. I almost jumped if someone talked to me, and tried to avoid people so I wouldn't have to talk to them.  I was full out awkward. With red hair. 

I whispered all this misery to my sister who just started at me and told me to go and talk to this girl. 'No way' was my horrified response. I stuck to the small group of friends I had and never talked to anyone else.  'Ok then' said my sister. I was torn. I really, really wanted to meet this girl. So I convinced my sister to come with me. 

I'm pretty sure the first thing I ever said to HorseFrenzy was 'I like your pony'. HorseFrenzy told me later she wasn't really sure what to make out of me coming up randomly. I came back a few times before I finally had the courage to ask about Daisy (I asked about her hight, age, name and breed). 

Our very first conversation was about horses. By the end of the Home and Country Show, we were talking on less awkward terms, and our parents had meet. Needless to say, it wasn't long before a friendship had been established, mostly via email at first. 

Since then, I have done countless things with HorseFrenzy, like Horse Camp, seeing the Kaimanawa horses, a show, watched a dressage show (Vanessa Way smiled at us!) and had the chance to help break in Specs. Not to mention she watched me take my first fall, my highest jump and took me swimming on horseback for the first time. And of course we have this blog! :D 

Your an awesome best friend HorseFrenzy! Long may our friendship built on horses last :) 

(Incase your wondering, HorseFrenzy and I do other things as well, its not always horses... Sometimes :P ) 

And just to find up my long walk down memory lane... Some pictures! 

We attended a horse camp together 3 months after we meet.
(HorseFrenzy is in the front, I'm the one behind her)

After the show we did together

After HorseFrenzy and Specs crushed Rain and I at every
gymkhana game we played. 

The last time I stayed with HorseFrenzy. 

You know, Rain bolting at the truck, and you walking 7km??
 (I feel really bad still). Grumpy old Phoenix at Horse Camp?
Those 'dumplings' when we went camping? YOLO

Riding Specs bareback and double to your place after dropping off Rain?
It hurt alright!

No Comment xD


  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you so much! This was the sweetest and randomest thing ever!! May we continue to be besties and crazy ones at that!


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