Thursday 25 April 2013

Friendly or Fierce?

So recently when I go visit my 2 year old filly Chancy she will charge up to the gate. My main concern has been What is she trying to do? I have always thought it has been out of bad behaviour but actually she is doing that because she is a friendly horse. Chancy is still rough around the edges but when she runs up to the gate its actually being friendly and pretty much saying "hi"!

There should be boundaries though. A horse should be friendly and responsive to you but not pushy.
For instance if you have a horse that runs up to the gate every morning to greet you that should be no problem, but if that horse starts shoving and pushing and won't let you through the gate, that easily becomes a problem and if not dealt with it equals bad habits. You should have a horse that is sitting by the gate waiting for you to catch, rug or even feed him\her but not one that as soon as you enter turns toward you and starts pushing you trying to run through the gate. An easy way to deal with this is to carry a lead rope or a lunging whip with you when you go into the paddock. Next time you enter and you have a barging horse leave the halter on and when you walk into the paddock instantly clip the lead rope on, if that horse tries to push you through the gate let him\her know there is a limit and give them a flick of the lead rope or lunging whip and make them back up. Continue this till the horse waits patiently for you to open the gate and give the signal to walk through and then make the horse stand quietly while you latch the gate.

If you want to when your horse obeys your command give him\her a treat to let him]her know they have done a good job, but be careful to not over treat your horse which can result in bad habits like nipping.

That's all for now!
Keep posted for more updates and tips :)

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