Sunday 24 January 2016

Horse Camping

 Firstly I want to apologize for how long this has taken me to post, I have been quite busy with shopping for my new horse and working, life, training a steer etc.

So Opal and I went for our horse camp! It was heaps of fun, extremely hot but fun. It's not something I would want to do quite often but it's quite nice to do every once and a while.

We got overheated, eaten alive by bugs and rode the horses through the pitch black darkness.. But it was real.

I enjoyed it, it was a great experience being out in nature for 2 nights, I mean bar the hygiene, because lets face it, there are no hot water showers waiting for you out in the bush.

I laugh when people tell me they are going to go for a real outdoor experience, camping and they end up going to a camping site with toilets and showers. Hahahahahaha.

At the end of the camp, you could smell us a mile away.
Especially Opal ;)

 We felt very accomplished as after an hour of trying we made our own campfire, from dry grass and twigs. Very responsible, mature humans that we are.

We did our own cooking over the campfire and roasted marshmallows which were yum.

Opal felt she was a horrible human as she feed the fire, bug infested logs, while I sadistically laughed at the crackling and popping of the evil miniature demons.

 You guys need to be brought upto speed on the whole new horse news. I have not got a new horse as of yet, the guy getting me the horse rang up and said the owner wanted to keep the mare I was going to lease but he offered me an old pinto gelding instead... But wait for it!
He brought back home with him after dropping some horses off down Gisborne, MY HORSE.

I think I have told you guys that the mare was a fill in until my actual horse was old enough to be broken in. Well now he is so B brought him home, and I got to go to B's place with Opal and meet my new horse for the first time.
He was magnificent.
He was gorgeous
He was MINE.

Opal and I ran through some name possibilities for names and we decided on Nevada. As I wanted a native American sort of name, and I like Nevada as that is where one of Opal and my favorite bands are from.

I can't wait to dress Nevada up with war paint and feathers ;) hehe

Nevada seemed HUGE. Ask Opal if you don't believe me. He was HUGE.
Even though he is only 15.3hh at the moment which is quite a bit smaller than Specere at 16.1hh. But B said it's his presence that makes him appear to be huge. He will mature to a big 16.3hh though.

I fell in love with his doe eyes, he has not really had much handling done since he was a foal and he was scared but he sniffed my hand and let me pet him.
I think I was trembling more than him, purely from excitement.

He is the most gorgeous pinto, and he is quite unique as one side of him is almost completely white, its like someone dropped white paint on him. But I love it. I love him.

I did quite a huge shopping spree for him, so now I have quite a bit of gear ready for when he comes.

Anywho so as a fill in for our camping trip, because I didn't get the pinto mare I was supposed to lease. We ended up using Stanley, the farms horse. He is a sweetheart. I added his profile into THE HORSES so check it out if you want to know more about him.
Overall it was great!

Tenting in the heart of nature <3


Me and the horses

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