Wednesday 13 January 2016

Stay Safe Summer

Hey guys!

So I thought it would be a good idea to remind you humans that live in a part of the world where it is currently summer (like New Zealand) to stay safe!

Summer is a great time to get out and about with your horse and friends but please remember to keep safe.

I'm going to have a list below of safety advice, I can't make you follow them but I highly advise trying as hard as you can to for the safety of you and your horse!

☆ Never go swimming on your horse alone . I know it's tempting to go off and take your horse for a quick dip but honestly don't go alone. If anything was to happen to either you or your horse nobody would be around to help .
Be smart and take a friend or a parent.

☆ Wear sunscreen! You know the drill but don't forget about your 4 legged best friend either!  If your horse has pink skin like for instance on his/her nose be sure to put some sunscreen on that because your horse feels the sting of sunburn just like us! Nose shades are another thing for light skinned noses, they aren't expensive and just clip onto your horses halter.

☆ When riding along the road wear a helmet. Ok I'm really bad at this one ok because I hate helmets.. especially in summer. I literally never wear them, but I'm going to start because I do a load of riding along the road and in summer there is a LOAD of traffic. So be sure to have your helmet on ok.

☆ Check your horse for bot fly. Ew I know right!  Last year my horse got an infestation of them! Cleaning the manure regularly helps but sometimes Flys just happen. My mare is prone to them, so I check her legs everyday to make sure there are no eggs attached.  These eggs look like little white specs and are usually on the inside of the leg.  They irritate the horse which licks or tries to bite them off which ends up with the horse swallowing the eggs. Which is not healthy. They bot larvae hatch and start to eat at the stomach lining of the horse which gives horses stomach ulcers which hurt! To treat bot fly, head down to a vet or saddlery and grab a wormed which deals with bot fly larvae. Also a bot knife will help remove the eggs for the legs of the horse. I also found applying baby oil helps to prevent bot flies from laying on my horse because they can't grip the hairs. Also if your horse is very sensitive to flues fly rugs (pretty much a light mesh rug.) help a lot. You can also get neck and face covers if your horse is really bad. Check your horse for flies regularly!

☆ Make sure your horse always has access to water! Imagine being out in the heat and having no water! Make sure your horse always has fresh water.

☆ Make sure your horse has shelter.  Just like you your horse needs to get away from the heat. A tree or sheltered area makes a huge difference for horses and they will thank you!

☆ Remember to cool off your horse after an excersise. The sweat is not only unpleasant when dried but also can cause sores. Not only that but the sweat when turn cold once the horse stops working so your horse can become cold which can lead to joint issues. A hose down, full wash, sponge down help a lot. If it's going to be colder afterwards I would also suggest a light rug just so your horse doesn't get too cold .

Well that's it for now guys! Have a great summer! Or winter, autumn or spring depending where you are. And remember to keep summer safe!

-A healthy horse is a happy horse-

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